Monthly Archives: January 2014

Soap Therapy

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Soap Therapy

I’ve determined that two months is entirely tooooo long to go without my therapy. Soap Making = Therapy. For those of you that know me personally, you already know that I’m CooCoo for Cocoa Puffs so imagine what I was like for the last two months! It wasn’t pretty….

But now, I’m back to me normal Kooky self with the help of a little bit of trace with an extra helping of saponification. Check out these beauties that were made this past week:

The top of Oakmoss Sandalwood

Oakmoss Sandalwood Unmolded


Lots of Oatmeal, Goat’s Milk & Honey goodness


Mmmmmm….Mimosa Soap


Painting the Roses


Coconut Lime Verbena with Coconut Milk


FRESH Salt Soap


Mocha Choco-Latte

The shelves still look a bit sad and lonely, but if I keep up this momentum…they’ll be full in no time! ❤️

Living In Limbo

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Living In Limbo

We’ve made it!! We arrived safe and sound in Oregon. The drive here was a four day journey through some slight sleet storms and bit of snow through Wyoming and Utah. Then we hit a huge stretch of icy roads about 2 hours from our final destination. All in all it was a great trip.

Baby Duck and Mama Mia resting on a hotel room bed.

Christmas Eve hike at Bandon Dunes.

Baby Duck and Daddy on a pier off the Bandon Boardwalk.

Baby Duck at the park.

We’re slowly getting settled into our temporary home. Soon we’ll be house hunting for our permanent home! Hence…Living in Limbo. I can’t quite unpack everything because we’ll be moving again in the next month or two. Right now, I’m running Baby Duck Soap Co out of a series of boxes in a state of somewhat organized chaos.

Room 1 of 2 filled with Baby Duck Soap Co Supplies. How did I ever do this in an 1100 sq. ft. apartment????

With Baby Duck in the house with me full time, it limits my time for making. Soaping can only be done when he’s napping or sleeping for the night. I’ll be restocking all of our favorites slowly but surely.
Today I was able to make my first batch of soap in a little over two months. It was glorious!!! soaping has always been cathartic for me! I’ve been skipping around on cloud 9 since I made it!!

This is scented with Oakmoss Sandalwood and is sure to be a crowd favorite. I did an in-the-pot-swirl for the base and tried my hand at the taiwan swirl for the top. I’m digging that swirl! I’ve been wanting to revamp my FruitSoapia bar and this just may be the swirl to do it!

I cannot thank my customers and supporters enough for sticking with me through this whole crazy trip! Just one more move then life will be back to normal….well…my version of normal 😉