Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Blog Location!

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Hello Lovelies!

It has been quite a long time since I’ve posted and for that I am truly sorry.  I have decided to fire up my blog again. Offering musings, updates and lots of tutorials.  I have moved the location to this address:

if you’d like to join me there I would greatly appreciate the company! Thank you all for your support and love!


Bittersweet Growth

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I’ve been struggling with a pretty huge decision over the past few months. I LOVE Baby Duck Soap Co. It means the world to me since it’s named after my son. It’s been a HUGE part of my life for the past two years.

Some of the common questions I’ve received over the years pertaining to BDSC are:
Is this only for babies?
Is the soap made out of Baby Ducks?
Can men use this?
I want my products to appeal to a MUCH wider audience. I have grand aspirations to get my line into the likes of Anthropology, Boutique Hotels and Spas. I want branch out and work the International Gift Fairs in New York, Chicago, Atlanta and San Francisco.
I won’t be able to reach the audience I’m after with such a young, feminine, adorable brand. It’s time for Baby Duck to grow up. Let me introduce you to Canard Labs Soap

Never fear…you can still call me Ducky since Canard happens to be French for duck. 😉 My product line is getting a pretty extensive makeover. You’ll see the addition of soy candles and natural yogurt lotion. The most popular soap scents are staying with occasional seasonal scents being added. The Whipped Shea Body Butters are staying as well!

An example of the new Canard Labs label. There’s still some tweaking ahead but it’s pretty close to the final product.
Baby Duck Soap will be sticking around to get us through the holidays. Starting January 1, 2015 Baby Duck will become Canard Labs Soap. This has been a super difficult decision to make. I feel confident that the change will yield positive results. I appreciate each and every customer, supporter, friend and soap making/ business mentor that has supported me over the last couple of years. Stay tuned for more updates! If you want to stay in the loop with all things Canard Labs Soap check me out here:
Facebook –
Instagram – @canardlabs

Love and Bubbles,