Baby Duck’s Sister Company ~ Canard Labs

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For the last year and a half I’ve been making private label soap loaves for other incredibly busy and super successful soap makers. I must confess… I LOVE making soap. So much so that I started another company just to support other soap makers. This company is called Canard Labs.

Why would I start a whole separate company and provide private label soap to my colleagues? Like I mentioned earlier, I absolutely love making soap! I found that there is a need for private label artisanal soap. I provide lovely, colorful soap loaves to super busy soap shop owners. All of my loaves are palm free, sold at wholesale prices and made to order. My goal is to appeal to busy soap shop owners, soap makers that need to add fill in loaves or even boutique owners who want their own soap to brand for their shop.

I have learned that growing Canard Labs is MUCH harder than growing Baby Duck Soap Co. BDSC can be marketed to a much larger variety of people given that it’s an online retail soap shop. Canard is a much more laser focused niche. I’m learning to just take it easy and go with the flow when it comes to Canard. (Why Canard Labs? Canard is French for Duck.)

I love what I do! Being able to expand my craft slowly into the Private Label arena is pretty darn cool. I have grand aspirations for my little Canard, but for now I’m happy to sit back and watch it grow slowly.
Wanna keep up with Canard Labs?
Instagram: @canardlabs

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